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May 28, 2021

Are you living under an umbrella of lies that aren't serving you?

For details on the fitme special going on this weekend, email me at

May 27, 2021

Maybe your bad day is actually an interesting way to measure how far you've come... or if you are in the thick of bad days...maybe this will give you hope.

May 26, 2021

A message about keeping doors closed... and how to open them.

Email me at if this message hit you.


May 24, 2021

Maybe you've heard my first bite rule for food...but have you considered this?


To jump on our June offer for the 12 week foundations program, go to and click apply for coaching.



May 21, 2021

If you are past the point of everyone cheering for you doing something, you are well on your way to progress.

Listen to this episode to know if you are on the right track.

To apply for fitme's 12 week program, go to